Not only did we spend lots of time together, we also spent time with our families. My mom and sister drove down from Spokane with all our wedding gifts that same weekend. My brother Michael flew in from D.C. to join the fun. We all met up in Vernal where my G-ma and Uncles live. Add that all up together and what do you get??? An UNFORGETTABLE time!
My sista and I and her adorable new little boy the Dunkster! He is so precious minus the fact that he makes me sweat like a pig when he sleeps in my arms
(Sorry future kiddos, get use to sleeping on the bed and not in momma's arms!)
We ended up going bowling 2 of the three nights we were in Vernal. Eric and I are going to join a bowling league. We're kinda legit.
Wait what? You don't believe our legitness. Let me prove it.
Yep that's right.
Hubby = amazing with 161
Me = equally amazing cause I'm a girl and I got 114. obv.
Thank you Vernal for a great hotel room, a pool, sunshine, snow cones, bowling, family, a new tent and a whole lot of fun. You treated us well!
Our next stop was Breckenridge. On the way we stopped in Glenwood Springs and hiked Hanging Lake. O.M.G.
Once we reached the lake, these cute little ladies we had met along the way kept giving us photo opt ideas and taking all these pictures for us. oh gosh. it makes me laugh just thinking of it! They were beyond precious.
Not far above Hanging Lake is something called Spouting Rock. It's basically two beautiful waterfalls. One falling like normal, and the other spouting out from the middle of the rock wall. Sweet huh?
And last but certainly NOT least I must show you my bootlicious husband's photoshoot we took prior to begining the hike!

He's using the footage to apply to be a model for the 5 hour energy company. He is still waiting to hear back. I think he'll totally get it though. Don't you?! babe. After hiking our buns off we finished the trip to Breck where we spent our time relaxing, eating foodies, cuddling and sleeping, watching the Food Network and CNBC's Titans (actually kinda cool my friends), and fully enjoyed being together! I have one more fabulous thing to share with you but I'm gonna make you wait. Why? Because that way you'll come back and visit me again tomorrow. duh! Until then. Love, The Smiths |
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