September 9, 2011

Ordinary Day

I often feel like being in NYC means I should be go-go-going non-stop. However, the other day I decided to just stay in the hotel room and do some "ordinary" things since it was rainy and cold out.

View of outside from my hotel window

 I did things like study, watch Glee & Gossip Girl, blog/fb stalk, call the family, blah blah blah. 
 Oh and most importantly, I showered and then stayed in my sweatpants and sweatshirt allll day long. It was awesome. 

By the end of the day I was feeling a bit stuffy in our little room and was ready for Eric to be home to entertain me. But overall I am more than glad I took the day off. Because sometimes we need to remember to just...

...normal day, let me be aware
of the treasure you are.
let me learn from you, love you,
bless you before you depart.
let me not pass you by in the
quest of some rare and
perfect tomorrow...
-Mary Jean Irion

Love, The Smiths 


  1. I just miss you! I can't believe you are living my dream of living in NYC... punk

  2. You know my saying - "Boring is good!" I love ordinary, simple, relaxing days.
